The WB start mode doesn't work. I have installed DOpus.
Unfortunately, some system functions don't work with DOpus. You could remove DOpus
or switch the WB start to a NOCLI (QuietCLI) start, what is of course a difference and won't
work in all cases. Remember to set the stack high enough (look into the icons tooltypes).
Sometimes I can't open a workbench window by MRE functions, e.g. if I want to
open the current dir in ClassAction.
Opening a workbench drawer and starting programs in WB mode is done though the system
function "OpenWorkbenchObject" which checks your workbench settings; so opening a drawer
on a hidden volume won't work.
Why doesn't MRE use the default search path when executing my programs?
Programs started by CLI inherit the default search path from the parent CLI, but
if they are started from workbench, they only have C: and PROGDIR: as path.
So start e.g. ClassAction by CLI to make it use the default search path. If
you can't do that, add the path to all commands that are not placed in C: